Rahu transit in Aries 2022, Know Who Will Benefit From It

Rahu transit in Aries 2022

Rahu transit in Aries 2022 will occur from 12 April this year to October 30, 2023, for a period of one and a half years. Aries is the house of Mars. Mars and Rahu are neutral towards each other. Previously when Rahu was transiting in Taurus, it was a friend’s house for Rahu as Rahu and Venus are thick friends.

So, what are the effects of Rahu transit in Aries 2022? As Rahu transit is a major transit, people are interested in finding out what is in store for them.

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Lagnam or RasiRahu transiting inEffect
AriesLagnam (Ascendant)Academic progress for the students, health problems for all
TaurusTwelfth house (House of losses)Foreign posting, foreign settlement
GeminiEleventh house (House of gains)Financial gains
CancerTenth house (House of profession)Foreign postings, foreign connections
LeoNinth house (House of fortune)The foreign settlement, foreign connections, opportunities, fortune
VirgoEighth House (House of Research)Injuries, illnesses, accidents, and surgeries could happen
LibraSeventh House (House of marriage and business)Inter-caste marriage, inter-religious marriage, marriage with a widow, marriage with a much-aged woman, marriage with a prostitute
ScorpioSixth House (House of Health)Obstacles, unwanted problems, injuries, illness, accidents, surgeries, litigations, and financial losses can come.
SagittariusFifth house (House of Prosperity and Relationship)Stock market gains, investment profits, happy relationship
CapricornFourth house (House of comforts)Family comforts, luxuries, properties, and vehicles will come
AquariusThird house (House of courage and efforts)Boost energy, confidence, courage, short cut routes
PiscesThe second house (House of wealth and family)Wealth, relationship

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Who will gain the most in this 2022 Rahu transit?

Those who have their Lagnam (Ascendant) and Rasi, both in Gemini or Sagittarius and have their natal Rahu placed in either Aries or Libra will gain a lot. I have a huge database with thousands of horoscopes. Thus, I researched whether anybody has this type of planetary configuration. Therefore, I have listed his or her names below (if I found anybody).

Colin FarellEnglish Actor
George HamiltonAmerican Actor
Jennifer O’NeilAmerican Actress
Robert PattinsonEnglish Actor

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Who will face loss during Rahu transit in Aries 2022?

Those who have both their Lagnam (Ascendant) and Rasi in Virgo or Scorpio and have their natal Rahu placed either in Aries or in Libra lose out the most.

I have a huge database with thousands of horoscopes. So, I researched whether anybody has this type of planetary configuration. And for the same, I have listed his or her names below (if I found anybody).

Alice CooperAmerican Singer
David JasonEnglish Actor
Fred SavageAmerican Actor
Mark WebberAmerican Car Racer
P V SindhuBadminton Player

Blog by – Astrologer Ramkey

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Posted On - April 19, 2022 | Posted By - Astrologer Ramkey | Read By -


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