Astrology and related branches:

Related Astrology

Astrology and related branches use ideals for prediction. The basic principle by which science is found in the interconnection between existence and matters.

Three branches of science having similar principles have the interconnection in them too. Astrologer’s prediction depends on these three branches.

The very crucial branches for the study are- astronomy, numerology, and astrology. Let’s all see in what way the connection benefits us once again.


Astronomy is the science which deals with the celestial objects that include the planets, sun, and the moon. The positioning and the speed at which each object moves is of prime importance to the astronomers.


The science which deals with the numbers is called numerology. Each number has uniqueness and also a great significance.


Astrology is the science which predicts our future and helps to our betterment. It is considered to be just a faith for ages.

However, they have evolved to be the guidance for problem-solving. Astrology is related to both astronomy and numerology. It determines our quality and the negative traits we exhibit.

Related astrology and astronomy:

Astrology predictions are possible only by knowing the position of the planets. Astrologer predicts the position of the planet corresponding to the individual. In addition to this, the influence of the other planets on the planet is predicted.

The gemstones for each planet depending upon the advice from the astrologer help solve our problems. Moreover, they provide relief to our issues.

Related astrology and numerology:

The number for each person, be it their day number or the life number is important to the astrologer. Astrology links the numerology and predicts the challenges in life. The numbers taken in to account are in the range of 1 to 9. 0 was used in the Egyptian era. However, it is out of use now.

Date number:

Date number is the sum of the individual digits in the birthday date of a person. It is done until we get a single-digit number which is the date number. The characteristics below are based on the date number.

Related astrology terms:


The duality or the polarity is considered for each number. They may be positive or negative polarity. It varies for each number.

Related astrology qualities:

The qualities of the person for each number maybe-

These people have the qualities related to cannibalism. They exhibit anger greater than others.



These people change according to the situation. Hence they are called mutable.


These people don’t change their character no matter what happens. Hence they are called fixed.


The letters for each number is considered.

Other related astrology qualities:

Other qualities such as illuminated male, depicts the character of the person. It is used in the modern era. Hence, they have no complete definition for now.


  • Zero has no significance.
  • No person will have 0 as their date number.
  • It was used in the Egyptian era.
  •  The ruling planet is Pluto which is now non-existent.
  •  It signifies ground deep energy or un-grounded abstract. However, this energy is not of any use in the present era.


  • The people having birth dates as- 1, 10, 19 and 28.
  • The Sun is the ruling planet.
  • They have good leadership qualities.
  • The letters for this number are- A, I, J, Q, and Y.
  • They have positive polarity.
  • Fire is the astrological element.
  • They have cardinal quality.
  • Illuminated male depicts this number.
  • Sunday is the day for the number.
  • The zodiac sign is Leo.
  • The gemstone used is Ruby. It improves longevity and success.


  • The people having birth dates as- 2, 11, 20 and 29.
  • The Moon is the ruling planet.
  • The letters for this number are- B, K, and R.
  • They have a negative polarity.
  • Water is the astrological element.
  • They have fixed quality.
  • Illuminated female depicts this number.
  • Sunday and Monday are the days for the number.
  • The zodiac sign is Cancer.
  • The gemstone used is Pearl. It shows prosperity and luxury.


  • The people having birth dates as- 3, 12, 21 and 30.
  • Jupiter is the ruling planet.
  • They have great wealth and prosperity.
  • The letters for this number are- C, G, L, and S.
  • They have positive polarity.
  • Air is the astrological element.
  • They have Mutable quality.
  • Illuminated mental depicts this number.
  • Sunday, Monday and Thursday are the days for the number.
  • The zodiac signs are Pisces and Sagittarius.
  • The gemstone used is Yellow Sapphire. It improves financial status.


  • The people having birth dates as- 4, 13, 22 and 31.
  • The Uranus (Rahu) is the ruling planet.
  • The letters for this number are- D, M and T.
  • They have a negative polarity.
  • Earth is the astrological element.
  • They have cardinal quality.
  • Illuminated structural depicts this number.
  • Sunday and Monday are the days for the number.
  • The zodiac sign is Taurus.
  • The gemstone used is Hessonite. It improves longevity and health.


  • The people having birth dates as- 5, 14 and 23.
  • Mercury is the ruling planet.
  • They have good speed, communication, versatility, and knowledge.
  • The letters for this number are- E, H, N, and X.
  • They have positive polarity.
  • Air is the astrological element.
  • They have fixed quality.
  • Grounded mental depicts this number.
  • Monday and Wednesday are the days for the number.
  • The zodiac signs are Gemini and Virgo.
  • The gemstone used is Emerald. It improves strength and security.


  • The people having birth dates as- 6, 15 and 24.
  • Venus is the ruling planet.
  • They have good luxury, beauty, peace, love, and harmony.
  • The letters for this number are- U, V, and W.
  • They have a negative polarity.
  • Air is the astrological element.
  • They have mutable quality.
  • Grounded female depicts this number.
  • Monday and Friday are the days for the number.
  • The zodiac signs are Taurus and Libra.
  • The gemstone used is Diamond. It improves power, wealth and success.


  • The people having birth dates as- 7, 16 and 25.
  • The Neptune (Ketu) is the ruling planet.
  • The letters for this number are- O and Z.
  • They have positive polarity.
  • Water is the astrological element.
  • They have cardinal quality.
  • Illuminated deep energy depicts this number.
  • Monday is the day for the number.
  • The zodiac sign is Cancer.
  • The gemstone used is Cat’s eye. It protects from disease and danger.


  • The people having birth dates as- 8, 17 and 26.
  • Saturn is the ruling planet.
  • The letters for this number are-P and F.
  • They have a negative polarity.
  • Earth is the astrological element.
  • They have fixed quality.
  • Grounded structural depicts this number.
  • Saturday is the day for the number.
  • The zodiac signs are Capricorn, Aquarius, and Libra.
  • The gemstone used is Blue Sapphire. It improves love and wealth.


  • The people having birth dates as- 9, 18 and 27.
  • Mars is the ruling planet.
  • They have positive polarity.
  • There are no letters for this number.
  • They have mutable quality.
  • Grounded male depicts this number.
  • Tuesday is the day for the number.
  • The zodiac signs are Aries and Scorpio.
  • The gemstone used is Red Coral. It improves courage.

Here was a brief description of the numbers. To know the more about the connection between numbers and our practices, click here.

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Posted On - May 31, 2019 | Posted By - SHRI NIDHY P M RAMESH KUMAR | Read By -


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