What Combinations In Your Kundli Can Tell You How Attractive You Are?

attractive features in horoscope

Each zodiac sign is associated with certain physical and personality traits, which can make them more appealing to others. These features vary from charming eyes and radiant smiles to confidence and wit. Thus, understanding the attractive features of a person’s zodiac sign can provide valuable insight into their personality. Also, it can enhance their confidence and appeal. Know what speaks about your attractive features in Kundli.

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Planets for attractive features in horoscope

Here are some of the planets that are responsible for the attractive features of individuals:

  • Venus: Venus is known as the planet of beauty and love. Its placement in a person’s birth chart can enhance their physical attractiveness, charisma, and charm. Venus is also associated with creativity, artistic skills, and the ability to appreciate beauty.
  • Sun: The Sun is a powerful planet that represents vitality, strength, and confidence. Its placement in a person’s birth chart can enhance their physical appearance, especially their facial features, and give them a radiant and magnetic personality.
  • Mars: Mars is the planet of energy, passion, and courage. Its placement in a person’s birth chart can enhance their physical attractiveness, especially their athletic abilities, and give them a magnetic and confident personality.

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Houses responsible for attractive features

Here are some of the houses that are responsible for the attractive features of individuals:

  • 1st House: The first house is the house of self. Thus, it represents a person’s physical appearance, including facial features, body structure, and overall appearance. Venus or the Sun in the first house can enhance a person’s attractiveness, charm, and confidence.
  • 2nd House: The second house represents a person’s wealth, possessions, and self-worth. Venus in the second house can enhance a person’s physical attractiveness and ability to attract wealth and material possessions.
  • 5th House: The fifth house represents creativity, romance, and self-expression. Venus or the Sun in the fifth house can enhance a person’s attractiveness, creativity, and ability to express themselves.
  • 7th House: The seventh house represents partnerships, relationships, and marriage. Venus in the seventh house can enhance a person’s attractiveness and ability to attract loving and supportive partnerships.
  • 10th House: The tenth house represents career, success, and public image. Sun in the tenth house can enhance a person’s attractiveness, confidence, and public image, making them more successful in their career.

Combinations in Kundli that show physical attractiveness 

Here are some of the planetary combinations that indicate physical attractiveness in a person’s Kundli:

  • Venus in the 1st House: Venus is the planet of beauty and love, and its placement in the first house can enhance a person’s physical attractiveness and charm. This placement can also indicate a person’s strong desire for beauty, luxury, and pleasure.
  • Moon in the 5th House: The placement of the Moon in the fifth house can indicate a person’s creative expression and emotional intelligence. This combination can enhance a person’s attractive features, making them more expressive and charismatic.
  • Sun in the 1st or 5th House: The Sun is the planet of vitality and self-expression. Its placement in the first or fifth house can indicate a person’s strong sense of self, confidence, and charisma. This combination can make a person more attractive, both physically and socially.
  • Mars in the 1st House: Mars is the planet of energy, passion, and drive. Its placement in the first house can indicate a person’s physical strength, endurance, and courage. So, this combination can make a person more physically attractive and sexually appealing.
  • Venus and Mars in conjunction: The combination of Venus and Mars can indicate a person’s strong sexual energy and charisma. Hence, this combination can make a person more physically attractive, charming, and alluring.
  • Ascendant Lord in the First or Fifth House: The Ascendant Lord represents a person’s physical body and personality. Its placement in the first or fifth house can enhance a person’s physical attractiveness and charisma.

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Combinations in the Kundli make the other sex attractive towards you

For instance, the placement of Venus in the Kundli is crucial in determining an individual’s attractiveness and charm. A strong and well-placed Venus can make an individual attractive, charming, and charismatic, drawing the opposite sex towards them. Additionally, the position of Mars, the planet of energy and passion, can also influence an individual’s attraction towards the opposite sex.

Apart from the placement of individual planets, the interplay of various houses in Kundli can also determine an individual’s appeal toward the opposite sex. For example, the seventh house in Kundli represents marriage, relationships, and partnerships, and beneficial planets like Venus or Jupiter in this house can increase an individual’s attractiveness.

Furthermore, Kundli also considers the impact of planetary transits and aspects, which can influence an individual’s physical appearance, behavior, and personality traits. For instance, the transit of Venus in the fifth or seventh house can enhance an individual’s beauty and charm, making them more attractive to the opposite sex.

It is important to note that astrology and Kundli are subjective beliefs and do not have scientific evidence to support their claims. Attractiveness towards the opposite sex is a multifaceted aspect that depends on several factors like personality, behavior, confidence, and physical appearance. Thus, focus on developing positive traits and building self-confidence rather than relying solely on astrological beliefs.

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Posted On - April 24, 2023 | Posted By - Sharanya Sinha | Read By -


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