Mars is a Masculine Planet full of vigour and ideas with beautiful passion. The transit of Mars in Pisces is favourable as Pisces is ruled by the Majestic Jupiter.
As Mars transits in Pisces, here is how the transit will impact various Zodiac signs.
Mars will be transiting in your 12th house for Arians, which is associated with additional spending and travelling. You will have various business opportunities that will be favourable. Good time to change your job. Pay attention to love life and avoid quarrels as much.
Mars will be transiting in the 11th house giving you opportunities to invest in your business where the natives will prosper good time. Employees will have newer opportunities and salary increments are on the cards. Common Taureans, Good Show. Be slower in your romantic relationships.
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Mars will be transiting in your 10th house which represents your karma. Be cautious in love relationships as arguments are on the cards. You might get career opportunities that might prove successful.
Good time for Cancerians where you will flourish during this transit. It is recommended to be patient in this transit with superiors or colleagues. This period is favourable for newer relationships but be patient and don’t exhibit any anger.
Leos, please be careful and not invest fiercely during this period. Good time to expand your skills and focus on your long-term goals. Please use this period to understand your partners and acknowledge their feelings.
Virgos will experience certain financial changes and unexpected changes in their business. For those who are employed, it is a bright time to experience financial progress. You will have the support of your seniors. During this transit, love relationships will improve.
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Librans, please be complacent and amiable with your life partners. You will feel anxious during this transit and your married lives will improve. Devote ample time to your partners. Business folks will experience good financial gains and those who are employed will face competition at work.
Oooo Scorpios, all those aspiring to go in the family way, please make big plans, as the planet of vigour is swaying his red energetic flag for you. Please ensure you avoid any arguments with your partners. Businessmen should be cautious with their investments and for those who are employed, stick where they are.
Saggis, a good time to focus on your careers and change if opportunities arrive. Good time to invest our time in education and skills. Please be careful in love relationships and family lives. Life is all about understanding each other and not misunderstanding.
Short business trips are possible during this period. Financially, a rewarding time. A lot of effort is required to excel in your career. Singles, is a good time to convince your parents regarding your love relationship.
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Aquarians, it is a good time to expand your business and invest for the long term; however, don’t get swept away with unknowledgeable folks. Those employed, are not a good time to change your careers. Wait till June 27th. Try and be very amicable towards your partners.
Pisceans is, a good time to invest in properties and expand your business for it to grow but watch out. Pressure can mount at the workplace, so take good rest. Happy times in marriage and no serious concerns at all, but please manage your anger.
Blog by – Astrologer Maadhavee
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