Mercury is one of the main and most powerful planets in our Solar System. It governs one’s intelligence, ability, energy, and communication skills according to Vedic Astrology. Moreover, it is often called as Budh which means Wisdom. The effects of Mercury always depends on situations where it can have both benefic and malefic impacts on your life.
Mercury Transit Capricorn 2020 is going to take place on 13th January. Monday at 11:44 am on your zodiac. This is going to be a very tough period for all zodiacs. Miscommunications and communications are bound to happen that may impact your day to day life. However, you need to take care of every aspect of your life whether its health, business, career etc.
Overall, it’s going to be a hard time where you need to take every step very wisely and don’t let the difficulties overcome your mind. However, focusing on the positive aspects of life will surely work in your favour. Now let’s discuss how Mercury Transit Capricorn 2020 will affect each Zodiac Sign and House.
During this transit, Mercury will enter the tenth house. It’s going to be a good time in terms of your performance and the tasks that will you accomplish. You will surely get support from your seniors and family members. Moreover, your personality will also change a little after this transit i.e you will interact with more people and will surely feel in your behaviour as well. In a nutshell, it’s going to be a pretty friendly period for you where you are likely to get benefits for all aspects of life.
During this transit, Mercury will enter your ninth house. In terms of your Business and Money related matters, it’s a good time to spend money on foreign investments and share market. If your thinking to travel out of India or you have plans to study abroad its a good time to execute. However, you need to be alert when it comes to your health. Mercury transit Capricorn 2020 might harm your health. However, keeping a regular contact with your doctor will surely work for you.
During this Transit, Mercury will enter the eight house. This time is going to be very positive for you in terms of relationships whether it’s your love, family, colleagues and will gain the respect for everybody with your attractive nature. However, this time may not prove very well for your health. Following a regular checkup will surely help you. It is time to show your skills and impress others with your talent and personality.
During this transit, Mercury will enter the seventh house. You will get benefits in your business and share market. Again a good time to invest money in foreign investments. Starting a new venture will prove to be suitable for you during this transit. However, in terms of your love relationships, you need to stay alert and a bit calm too. Don’t bring your ego otherwise situation might get worse.
Want to know about Sun transit Capricorn. Click here
During this transit, Mercury will enter the sixth house. Not at all a good time for your business and completely avoid making any investments. However, you might get promotion in job or hike in salary but if you are in Business stay alert. Mercury transit will bring communication barriers for the Leo people. Speak your words wisely and avoid any sort of unnecessary argument. Stay positive and just wait for the good time.
During this time, Mercury will enter the fifth house. It is a good time for students and as their hard work might pay off and you will get desired results. Moreover, if you are planning to study abroad its a good time to execute and achieve whatever you want. Mercury transit will surely help you at your workplace as you might get support from your colleagues and boss as well. Moreover, a good time for your health is on the cards.
During this time, Mercury will enter the fourth house. A good time for family and home environment and will surely improve your relations with your family members. Moreover, if you are planning to build a new house or wish to change or shift your house, it’s a good time to do that. Work efficiently and consider the advice of your seniors. Your health might face minor issues but overall it’s a good time for you.
During this time, Mercury will enter the third house. During this time you will focus more on your goal and try to work on yourself rather than giving advice to others. You will get new opportunities and challenges which will make you stronger and mentally prepared. However, you need to stay a little alert in terms of your relationship with your siblings. In a nutshell, this time will be more like a rollercoaster ride for your i.e you will face both good and bad times.
During this time, Mercury will enter the second house. This time is going to benefit you at your workplace. You might get a promotion or hike in salary depending upon your work. However, this is valuable for business purposes i.e you might see a rise and fall in your business but you have to accept everything with a big smile. If you are in a relationship, it’s a good time to take the next step and talk to your parents about Marriage.
During this time, Mercury will enter the first house. The placement of Mercury Transit Capricorn 2020 in the first house of your zodiac sign indicates your social values and an increase in honour. During this time, you will have very good terms with your family and friends. They will support you in your every decision. You might face a little pressure of completing your tasks but overall a time is waiting for you. Moreover, the students who are preparing for competitive exams need to focus more as distractions might haunt you.
During this time, Mercury will enter the twelfth house. Again a good time for students who are planning to study abroad and their hard work will surely get the desired results. However, this time can be very challenging in terms of your relationships as you might face a worst breakup or even a divorce if you are married. In terms of your health, at times you might face little change in hormones and blood platelets might increase or decrease.
During this time, Mercury will enter the eleventh house. During this period of transit, you will be able to spend maximum time with your spouse and your relationships will definitely grow in a much positive way. However, you might face a little pressure at your workplace but keeping good terms with your colleagues will surely work for you. In terms of your health, be sure to visit your doctor on a regular basis and focus more on daily exercise and gym.
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