Sun And Moon Conjunction In 8th House: Impact On Love, Career And More

Sun And Moon Conjunction In 8th House

The eighth house in Vedic astrology illustrates various mysterious arenas of life like death and life, transformations in life, health ailments and accidents, energies one possesses, and connections and bonds you build from your own. It also looks after matters pertaining to property and real estate. Sun and Moon conjunction in 8th house of your Kundali hit directly in all these matters.

From accumulated wealth to disruptions in health and related matters, Sun and Moon in eighth house go after each of them in both negative and positive manner.

Speak to our astrologers at AstroTalk and know if you have the combination of Sun and Moon in eighth house.

Whereas, if you already know that your Sun conjuncts Moon in eighth house, read what the placement has for you.

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Factors affecting conjunction of Sun and Moon in eighth house

When Sun and Moon are in the same house in a Kundali, you are born in Shukla Paksha Pratipada, Krishna Paksha Chaturdashi, or Amavasya. And with Sun and Moon conjunction in 8th house, the native shall confront multiple possibilities all through your life.

But what factors influence this conjunction in eighth house of your birth chart? Let us look at that:

  • Sun-Moon in odd/even sign: If Sun and Moon conjunction in 8th house occurs in any even sign, i.e., Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, or Pisces, you would see Moon working in a better way than Sun. Emotions would be outrageous while weakness in practicality shall perish. On the other hand, when Sun conjuncts Moon in 8th house occurs in an odd sign, i.e., Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius, you shall see Sun ruling the conjunction. You would seek fortune, and professionalism will enhance in you.
  • Triple conjunction with Ketu: When Sun and Moon in 8th house combine with a shadow planet like Ketu, you shall isolate and detach yourself from people. You would believe in holding your energies for opportunities that you are unsure would even come or not. Furthermore, with Sun-Moon conjunction with Ketu in eighth house, you would feel lost in choosing the right path to follow.

Also Read: Ketu In 4th House: Meaning, Impact, And Remedies

Positive effects of Sun and Moon combination in 8th house

Positive impacts of Sun-Moon conjunction in 8th house are many. Let us glance at it:

  • Traveling yogas: You would be a travel lover and love to wander many places. When Sun conjuncts Moon in eighth house, you will travel a lot. Many short and long vacations would be there. Along with it, you might also go on business and educational trips.
  • Knowledgeable personality: Excellent in skills and with knowledge about many things in life, you will be great in the field and task you would take in hand.
  • Great oration skills: You shall be an exceptionally great orator and would keep your viewpoints and opinions sturdily and boldly. The same would earn you name, fame, and recognition.
  • Spirituality and devotion: You would be highly spiritual and would love to visit shrines and temples often. Also, you would figure out new means of following and worshiping religions and religious activities.
  • Satisfactory health: With positive Sun and Moon combination in 8th house, your health would remain satisfactory good. Serious ailments and troubles will be away most of your life, and blissful and contentment in life would accompany you.

Also Read: Ketu In 5th House: Meaning, Impact, And Remedies

Negative effects of Sun and Moon conjunction in 8th house

There could be many negative impacts of the combination of Sun and Moon in 8th house. Let us have a look at them:

  • Personality troubles: With Sun and Moon in 8th house of your natal chart, you are egoistic and arrogant. Not only would you have a crooked nature but also have a physique unlikable by people.
  • Health problems: Health ailments would be many. You will have weak health and suffer from Pitta-related issues. Along with it, you shall also possess digestive troubles and have cough and fever often and frequently. Since childhood, you would feel out of energy and spend most of your time dealing with confidence issues.
  • Health problems with parents: Also, with Sun and Moon conjunction in 8th house, your parent’s health would suffer. Their health will remain low and weak, especially in the middle ages of their lives. Also, they would feel devoid of happiness too.
  • Financial instability: There might be a financial crisis in your life. It might be temporary, and you shall suffer from poverty if you don’t manage money properly or appropriately, with the ill Sun and Moon in eighth house of your horoscope.

Also Read: Ketu In 6th House: Meaning, Impact And Remedies

Conjunction of Sun and Moon in eighth house remedies

If you possess malefic Sun-Moon conjunction in eighth house of your natal chart, follow these remedies and resolve the crisis of the afflicted Sun and Moon in 8th house:

  • Maintain good relations with your brother and other elder members of the family. On the other hand, you must not make illicit connections with anybody.
  • Make sure, once, in the whole day, you consume water after having a little jaggery and wear off the Sun-Moon conjunction in 8th house.
  • Keep rice, holy river water, and silver at your home in a neat and clean place.
  • Do good things in life and avoid gambling or equivalent thoughts as much as possible. Also, donate milk to poor people in a temple to remove the ill effects of Sun and Moon in eighth house.
  • Never buy a house with a south-facing main entry. Also, remember to never build your home over property made by filling or closing a well. Plus, never reside in a house near some river, pond, or well.
  • Offer food to a cow. But, make sure that the cow isn’t white in color to avoid the ill impacts of Sun and Moon combination in 8th house of your Kundali.

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Posted On - September 7, 2021 | Posted By - Shimona Jain | Read By -


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