Which Zodiac Sign is Weakest? Here’s the List

Which Zodiac Sign is Weakest Here's the List

There are way too many questions related to zodiac signs. One of those popular questions is Which zodiac sign is weakest? Well, we did a little digging and analysis amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As we all know, there are over 26 million cases and 863k people have died. The situations before getting better get worse. Thus, it is important for each of us to exercise precautionary measures.

As far as astrology can predict, there are a few signs that are very likely to fall sick. Therefore, with this blog, we are trying to warn them about it. Not only for the weak signs but the points below would be helpful for everyone to know whether they need to uptight their health game or not. s

Here are the weakest zodiac sign that must take care of themselves-

Gemini (21st May-20th June)

Gemini is a twin sign popular for its chatty nature. During the pandemic, quarantine scenes would possibly be a headache for these people. So it will not be a surprise if they step out and come in close contact with many people. This twin sign is receptive to low immunity and endurance. Besides, the current Jupiter Retrograde and upcoming Mars Retrograde may give flame to the fire. Thus, they need to be extra careful and take proper measures to ensure good health.

Apart from this, one of the major problems with Gemini is they overestimate themselves. They believe they can make their way through anything. It is exactly the opposite of their situation. Also, Geminis are very likely to suffer PTSD once something unhappy occurs in their life.

Cancer (21st June-22nd July)

Cancers are gentle and beautiful souls but their mess of emotions takes their guard down. Oftentimes, as a result, it makes them feel helpless. They also make a lot of mistakes in the influence of passion. They constantly battle for social approval and acceptance due to their inferiority complex. Yet, Cancer is a water sign typically known for its stamina, complexity, and stubbornness.

Commonly, Cancerian natives are not blessed with great health. They have to take better measures than common people to go through everyday routine. What makes them keep going is their will.

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, adopting healthy eating habits, meditation, and workout can be very helpful for them. It would be an easy and powerful measure to escape the list of Which Zodiac Sign is the Weakest for Cancerians.

Scorpio (23rd Oct-21st Nov)

One may take it not so far and still consider Scorpios the mighty zodiac sign. These water babies are lovely and very spontaneous. They are also stubborn adventure seekers and romantic lovers. Which also makes them most likely to go out for short trips or long walks once in a while after an adrenaline rush.

The celestial being wants Scorpios to be wise during the pandemic. There are many strong planetary transitions taking place which may cause illness. Also, soon Mercury will retrograde in Scorpio. Thus, people born under this sign will have to cautious. Even a little carelessness can attract cold or flu and COVID-19.

During the crisis, ensure enough water intake and a healthy diet. It will make you fit to fight the disease.

Further, you may like reading 5 Most Selfish Zodiac Signs that You Should Not Date

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Posted On - September 3, 2020 | Posted By - Deepa | Read By -


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