Should I Marry If Kundalis Do Not Match? Astrologers Answer the Million-Dollar Question

can i marry if kundali does not match

Kundli Matching is an ancient practice dating back to 1000s of years. Despite the cultural shift and the adoption of modern concepts like Sustainable wedding or Destination wedding, Indians (thanks to our elders’ penchant for emotional blackmailing) have managed to keep the Kundli Milan ritual intact. 

Among 100s of rituals that add glamour to Indian weddings, Kundli matching is one of those. Kundli Milan is the first step that two families abide by before considering to move ahead with the marriage proposal. The rule especially applies to arrange marriages, which make a large proportion of marriages in India. And once the Kundli of the bride and groom match, all the glamour is in the badhaiyans and the beginning of one of the most beautiful and exciting periods in a person’s life. 

However, what if the Kundlis of two people don’t match? Well, there is a whole plot around it, which we are going to decode in this blog, starting with:

What Is Kundali Milan

Kundali Milan or Kundli Matching is the practice to ensure that the two people, who plan to share nuptial vows in the future, are compatible with each other. This compatibility is found specifically by comparing the position of the planets (Navgrahas) at the time of the birth of the bride and groom respectively, where the planets are currently positioned and where they belong in the future. This is similar to how the position of planets influence an individual’s characteristics.

The position of the planets can be likely or unlikely. For example, if you decide to match the Kundli of two; and find that Rahu is poised negatively (Rahu Mahadasha) in one’s Rashi, then that particular time is not the best for him/her to get married. Similarly, the Kundli matching process can help find if the girl or the boy is Mangalik or not. And in case one of them is, it helps in highlighting how being Managalik of one person will affect the other.

In a nutshell, marriage joins two people. Thus, it is important to ensure that the heavenly bodies complement each other, resulting in happiness and harmony between them and Kundli Milan by name and DOB can help.

What Happens in Kundli Matching?

Simply said, during Kundli matching, the horoscopes of the to-be bride and to-be groom are matched. This whole system of Kundli Milan in astrology is called Ashta Koota Milan. The system reeks of results as we compare the position of the planets, especially the Moon in the bride’s chart with the groom’s, like we said, at the time of their birth, where the Moon is currently positioned and where it belongs in the future. 

How many Guns should Match in Kundli for Marriage?

In the term Ashta Koota Milan, Ashta stands for eight and Koota, on the other hand, signifies eight categories called Kootas or Koot. In Ashta Koota Milan 36 points are considered between the two horoscopes. Among the 36 points, at least 18 must match to go ahead with the astrology-approved marriage. These 36 points are distributed among categories. 

The best match is, obviously, where 36 out of 36 Guns (Chattis Gun) match. However, even if 33 or more Gunas match, it’s a harmonious pairing. An alliance where 25-32 Gunas match is considered good leading to a happy marriage. Meanwhile, anything between 18-24 is considered an average match and the couple will have to work harder to make the alliance work. And if the score is below 18, then the couple may have to face much bigger problems, but together, in their lives. 

8 Categories Or Kootas 

There are as many as eight categories listed under the Ashta Koota Milan system. Each category holds a few points. And collectively, the points sum up to make 36 points. Here are different categories of horoscope matching for marriages. 

1. Varna

Since the later Vedic period, people have been classified under the varna system. The Varna system includes four jatis, namely Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. As per Vedic astrology, for a good match, the jati of the groom must be a level higher than that of the girl’s. 

2. Vashya

The Vashya denotes the power or dominance in Vedic astrology. Vahsya classifies a person into five types – Human, Wild Animals, Small animals, Waterborne animals and Insect. The compatibility score here is two if the bride and the groom belong to the same Vashya. Zero when they belong to the opposite. 1/2 point for man and water animal combination and one for the remaining.  

3. Tara

Tara denotes the birth star compatibility. There are as many as 27 birth stars. The stars of the bride are counted from that of the groom and the resultant number is divided by nine. In the same way, the result is obtained for the groom. In case the remainder of both the girl and boy’s scores are even then the compatibility is three. If reminders are odd then compatibility is zero and 1.5 if one of them is odd. 

4. Yoni

Yoni stands for sexual compatibility. It has 14 types. These are – Horse, Elephant, Sheep, Snake, Dog, Cat, Rat, Cow, Buffalo, Tiger, Hare/Deer, Monkey, Lion, Mongoose. If the boy and girl belong to the same category of animal, then the score is four. In the case of different yet friendly animals, then three points. If enemy animals then zero. Two points for neutral animals and one point for non-friendly animals. 

Kundli not matching, can I marry? Get answers from our expert astrologers.

5. Rasyadhipati

This takes Rashi compatibility into account based on Lord of the zodiac. If the Lords are friendly then five points. Four points for one friend and one neutral. And zero points if Lords are enemies. 

6. Gana

The three Ganas in Astrology are; Dev, Manav and Rakshasa. The points are eight when the boy and girl belong to the same Gana. One point for Deva and Rakshasa pair and zero for Manava and Rakshasa pair. 

7. Rashi

This category denotes love that the two people would share. The category takes into count the exact position of the moon in the bride’s and groom’s horoscope. If the groom’s moon position is 7 and 12 then it is a good match. If 2,3,4,5,6, then the match is poor. The bride’s moon positions of 2,3,4,5,6,7 are considered good. Position 12 from that of the groom is said to be bad.

8. Nadi

Nadi Koot is related to the health of the bride and the groom. The three Nadis in astrology are Vata (air), Pitta (bile) and Kappa (phlegm). If the Nadi of bride and groom are the same then zero points and if not, then eight points are given. 

While Ashta Koota matching is the basic system when it comes to Kundli matching service in India but then there are also other systems like Mahendra Koota, Deergha Koota, Veda Koota and Raju Koota.

What Happens if Kundli does not Match?

Amidst the growing influence of western culture, many couples these days don’t consider matching Kundli, calling it a vague ritual. However, it is also true that many such couples are perfectly able to work things out between them despite their stars not aligning well for them. Nevertheless, we still can’t ignore the increasing number of divorce cases in India, which is often the result of the lack of compatibility between couples. 

Logically speaking, people have the wrong perception of Kundli matching. Many of them feel that Kundli matching (and it not coming out prolific) could get their parents worried, still the process of them getting married and so on. However, that’s not the case. If two people really like each other, no mismatch in Kundli can stop them from marrying. But what Kundli matching and highlighting the Doshas could possibly do is allow them remedies to subdue the harmful effects of Doshas. 

Vedic astrology is pure science and like science, over time and process, finds a solution to the woes of the world similarly, astrology experts have well-narrated solutions for various doshas that may pop up while matching Kundli. 

For example, in the case of Yoni Dosha in Kundli matching, our expert Vedic astrologers recommend specific Poojas to subdue the effects of the same. Also, one can check if, in the Rashis, the Lords ruling the groom and the bride are friendly? If yes, then Yoni Dosha automatically subdues to some extent.

Also Read: Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra- Meaning and Benefits

Likewise, there are other doshas like ‘Nadi’ or ‘Bhakoot Doshathe presence of which can bring problems like accidents, job loss, relationship woes, health ailments, pregnancy, childbirth-related issues, etc. A couple suffering from ‘Nadi’ or ‘Bhakoot Dosha’ are usually recommended to wear gemstones according to their zodiac sign and chant Mahamrityunjaya Mantra for a specific number of times to reduce the malefic effects. 

Then Mangal Dosha, which occurs when the Mars of either the bride or groom is not in a favourable position, can also be treated. Mangal Dosh can be rectified by following remedies like reciting Hanuman Chalisa, keeping fasts, Kumbh Vivah, etc.

All the dosha in one’s Kundli is in a way or the other share a connection with your past life and karma. So the remedies and Poojas suggested by astrologers would be to rectify your karma. 

Kundli Not Matching, Should I Marry? 

At last, it all comes down to how you can make things work between yourself and the other one irrespective of the fact the kundli matches or not. You can and must obviously get married to the one you see yourself the happiest whether it’s an arranged or love marriage. But again, you must also not look Kundli matching as something that could trouble your relationship. 

Astrology is a science, thus it has an understanding and solutions to your problems. It was and never would be against the beautiful feeling that love is. It, on the other hand, works only to enhance that feeling between two people. You may call Kundli matching an old school ritual but yet, it could allow you the most accurate projections. 


Posted On - March 16, 2021 | Posted By - Kushagra Gupta | Read By -


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